Amanda Schaumburg is a Speech Language Pathologist in Texas and has spent most of her career in the public schools. She has experience in outpatient clinics, early childhood intervention programs, and rehabs. Amanda is an author of speech therapy and educational resources and has been selling her creations online since 2015 in her store Panda Speech. Her hope is to help busy SLPs build a library of effective and engaging materials. Amanda has recently opened her own private practice where she provides contract speech therapy services, professional development, tele-therapy services, and professional consultations. Outside of her career, Amanda has a passion for community involvement. She serves on a local tennis association board, volunteers for local scouting programs, and is a Special Olympics coach for track and swimming. Amanda also sits on the Board for Smiles for Speech, a 501c non- profit that provides speech and occupational therapy, resources, and training to underserved communities around the globe. Amanda is married, has 1 son, two step sons, and the cutest Boston Terrier pups Fannie & Dottie. Dottie is being certified for animal assisted therapy and works with Amanda in speech therapy sessions as well as visits in their local community.