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How to Help Kids Who Stutter. Let's Talk About It!

How to Help Kids Who Stutter. Let's Talk About It!


Stuttering is a complex and misunderstood speech condition with a neurological basis. Many Speech and Language Pathology graduate programs do not adequately prepare students for treating stuttering, leaving well-meaning clinicians to resort to outdated, unhelpful methods of treatment, though no fault of their own. This course will go through a brief history of stuttering therapy throughout the years, the differences between the main theories/approaches to stuttering therapy, and how to support children who stutter (CWS) in the school setting (as well as in their world outside of school.) It will help in the understanding of social stigma, microaggressions, and the use of positive vs negative descriptors regarding stuttering along with talking about ways to help CWS and their parents gain advocacy skills and how to collect data and write measurable goals for CWS.


  • Lucy Reed


    Lucy Reed is an ASHA certified speech and language pathologist (SLP) with 22 years of experience. She worked for 17 years as a school-based SLP in a public school district and has worked for the past 5 years providing speech therapy via tele-practice. Lucy is someone who stutters and is an active participant in the global stuttering community. She lives in New Jersey, where she is the owner of a private speech therapy practice where she provides services to those who stutter across the lifespan.

Learning Objectives

Name 3 main theories of stuttering therapy
Identify 3 shifts in therapy practices that create a supportive environment for children who stutter
Explain at least 3 ways in which school staff can help create a supportive environment for children who stutter
List 3 ways to enhance outcomes by helping CWS and their parents learn advocacy skills
Name at least 4 microaggressions that can occur during the course of stuttering therapy
List at least 2 measurable IEP goals for CWS



10 minutesNature of Stuttering. History of Stuttering Therapy
10 minutesShifts in stuttering therapy
10 minutesStigma, microaggressions, Negative vs Positive Descriptors
10 minutesAdvocacy skills
10 minutesGoal Writing
10 minutesSummary and Q/A



Speakers - FinancialLucy is the owner of Lucy Reed Stuttering Treatment, a speech therapy practice in New Jersey. Lucy is receiving compensation for this course.
Speakers - NonfinancialLucy is a volunteer board member of Stamily, a volunteer for The World Stuttering Network, and has served in the past as a volunteer for the National Stuttering Association.
Speakers - ContentLucy has no additional content information to disclose.
Course - Financial Support & In KindThis course is being sponsored by SLP Toolkit.



This course is offered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs, Intermediate Level, Professional Area

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How to Help Kids Who Stutter. Let's Talk About It!

Your purchase includes access to (1) recorded course and submittal of your participation to the ASHA registry. *You must opt-in and add your ASHA credentials after completing all course steps. The course is available through 12/31/2024.
One time fee