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Stuttering is Verbal Diversity

Stuttering is Verbal Diversity

As our understanding of the diversity of our students with communication challenges grows, SLPs need to know how to assess their own biases and how to help their students deal with societal stigma. This session will help you become more mindful of how you talk about stuttering and the messages you send in therapy. You will walk away feeling prepared and more comfortable and confident in your therapy planning and use your new (or validated) knowledge to the benefit of your students who stutter and their families.


  • Nina Reeves


    Nina Reeves is a board-certified specialist in fluency differences, and co-owner of Stuttering Therapy Resources. She specializes in stuttering therapy for children, adolescents, and young adults. Nina is an author of practical clinical materials and presenter of over 500 professional development workshops for speech-language pathologists. Nina also has decades of experience in the stuttering support community. For her contributions as a career-long public school speech-language pathologist (SLP), Nina has received the the ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) Excellence Award for outstanding contributions to public schools, the ASHA-Foundation Van Hattum Award, and is an ASHA Fellow.

Learning Objectives

Name at least 4 microagressions that can occur during the course of stuttering therapy
Identify 3 shifts in therapy practices that create a supportive environment for students who stutter
List 3 ways to enhance outcomes by helping students learn to deal with potential societal stigma of stuttering



10 minutesDefining and identifying microaggressions
20 minutesTherapy shifts that matter
20 minutesHelping students who stutter deal with stigma
10 minutesSummary and Q/A



Speakers - FinancialNina is a coauthor and co-owns a publishing company (Stuttering Therapy Resources, Inc) and receives royalties, ownership interest and intellectual property rights.
Speakers - NonfinancialNina is a volunteer and past board member of the National Stuttering Association
Course - ContentNone
Course - Financial Support & In KindThis webinar was funded by our sponsors, SLP Toolkit and SLP Now. We would also like to thank the presenter(s) of this course who have provided their speaking services at no charge.



This course is offered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs, Intermediate Level, Professional Area, Professional Area

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