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Our Words, Their Actions: Strategies to Get the Most Out of Your Therapy Session

Our Words, Their Actions: Strategies to Get the Most Out of Your Therapy Session

I frequently get asked how I manage my therapy sessions and how I get young children to cooperate so easily. This quick course will address ways to empower children through a growth mindset and how the words we use influence how they interact and cooperate. We will focus on 9 self-strategies that will help YOU help your clients move past challenges, creating a successful, low-stress therapy experience. Join me for this fun course. You will leave with WORD POWER!


  • Jennie Bjorem

    M.A. CCC-SLP

    Jennie received her bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Saint Louis University and graduated from Truman State University with her master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders in May 1999. She has a great understanding from a parent perspective as she has a young child with special needs. She is the owner of Children’s Therapy Services in Leawood, Kansas. Jennie’s area of expertise is in early intervention birth through 5, parent education and childhood apraxia of speech. She currently provides 22 speech therapy sessions a week to children with CAS. Jennie is recognized for her advanced training and expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech by Apraxia Kids. She presented at the Apraxia Kids national conference, had over 75 hours of CAS training in 2018 and was awarded the ASHA ACE Award for Continuing Education. Jennie travels the country speaking on the topic of CAS in her spare time. Jennie is the creator of the Bjorem Speech Sound Cues for acquisition of speech and literacy.

Learning Objectives

Immediately implement self-strategies in order to help change how children interact and cooperate in therapy.
Explain why each strategy works in order to help support a child.
Explain to families these strategies and how they can also help at home.



10 minutesWhy the words we use are important
20 minutes9 self-strategies to create a successful learning environment



Speakers - FinancialJennie, she/her is the owner of Bjorem Speech Publications and receives a salary. Jennie was paid a flat fee for this course and receives a percentage of course sales.
Speakers - NonfinancialJennie has no nonfinancial relationships related to the content of course to disclose.
Course - ContentN/A
Course - Financial Support & In KindThis course, and all courses in The Speech Sound Disorder Series, are being sponsored by SLP Toolkit, Bjorem Speech Publications, Graham Speech Therapy, and Adventures in Speech Pathology.



This course is offered for 0.05 ASHA CEUs, Introductory Level, Professional Area, Professional Area

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