Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP is a pediatric speech-language pathologist in the Kansas City, Missouri area. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa in 1993 and her master’s degree from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1995. Cari is a therapist, consultant, author, product developer, and nationally recognized speaker who gets paid to do what she loves most—TALK! She specializes in autism, apraxia, and early intervention. Cari’s son has dual diagnoses of autism and apraxia, allowing her to engage audiences both as a professional and as a parent of a child with different abilities. In 2018, Cari co-authored a book with Dave Hammer titled, "The SLP’s Guide to Treating Childhood Apraxia of Speech." In 2020, Cari released a book on autism titled, "The Learning to Learn Program." Visit her website to browse Cari’s wide variety of speech therapy and early intervention products.